The PSiO is a pair of glasses equipped with small earphones, an MP3 reader and a generator of colored and rhythmic light. It's a powerful relaxation tool that stimulates the mind and saturates visual and, at times, auditory zones with stimulation at specific frequencies to enable a quick letting go of attention.
Rumination stops quickly. And since the mechanics of attention require a great deal of energy, the mind relaxes deeply, recharges and renews its resources. The sessions programmed into the PSiO generally last from five to 30 minutes. The result is a feeling of renewed energy, like after taking a good nap. This state of awareness at rest is also known to be very permeable to suggestion. Dozens of personal development programs are available (weight management, sleep inducement, SAD reduction, anti-depression, stop smoking, etc.). They turn the PSiO into a personal development tool.
Essentially, these glasses provide a variable frequency audiovisual stimulation for the brain. They send out sounds and light in very precise rhythms and these rhythms influence a person's state of mind - waking, sleeping, relaxation. The light emitted is at 460 nm, which is the most effective wavelength in the stimulation of serotonin and suppression of melatonin.
1st stage: the user's attention is focused by a visual scene consisting of hypnagogic images. They are particularly well absorbed by the mind which can't interpret this unusual type of stimulation.
Awareness becomes purely sensory and analytical thought declines and is transformed into audio-visual perception. Consciousness becomes pure sensation.
Music and voices are felt much more deeply, literally "sensorially" and, in any event, very differently from the way they would be through normal listening or with a simple audio device.
2nd stage: attention gradually begins to float (more or less so, depending on the length of the stimulation). Eyelids automatically close while stimulation continues to pass through them. They become a second projection screen for the visual stimulation.
3rd stage: the visual stimulation generally becomes monotonous and repetitive. Eyes gradually roll back in their sockets into a natural, fully relaxed position. At this point, the visual stimulation is restrained both in intensity and in frequency variation. Attention is completely at rest. Letting go becomes total at this point!
The result:
Awareness usually requires a great deal of energy. This forced rest therefore leads to recovery and has an energizing effect following the session. It's a like a regenerating flash siesta (except that it can be induced at will!).
Note that the mind is very open to suggestions when attention is at rest. It continues to hear everything but no longer listens closely. Messages are no longer filtered by awareness. This makes the PSiO a fantastic tool for suggesting positive messages to your deepest self.
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