Want to make a change in your life? Feeling stuck? Want to reach a goal? Going through a life transition? Trouble with finances?
A Life Coach can help you with all of these and more. A Life Coach will help you connect your head and your heart in a way that transforms your dreams into your life. This process will help you get out of your head and start taking action in the areas of your life you wish to change.
Your Life Coach will guide you through the process by asking questions that help you evaluate and decide which steps to take in order to reach your goal or make an important change.
Your Life Coach's goal is to help you achieve your goals in the most efficient, effective and rewarding way possible and gives you the push you need to reach your full potential while holding you accountable.
Are you living a life that you love? Do you want to wake up in the morning looking forward to the day ahead? Would you like to take action to revitalize your life?
I know how challenging it can be to make shifts in our lives. With me by your side, we will carry out a step-by-step 'spring cleaning' of your life so you can live the joyful passionate life you deserve to be living.
"Renew YOU, Love your Life!" is a balanced, well-crafted program that guides you through a 3 step process over a course of 90 days. In 3 months, you will get to the heart of what's holding you back so you can reset your habits and refresh your life. Leave the blahs behind and connect with your joyful, energized self.
Program Overview
Month 1: Take Stock; Discover what makes your heart sing!
In the first month, we do a detox to get rid of the obstacles and energy sucks that are getting in the way of your well-being. By cutting away the dead wood, you'll make space for new growth. Commit to letting go of what is holding you back so you can embrace your life with the vitality you need to take on your wildest dreams!
Month 2: Declutter: Give your life a spring clean!
In the second month, we do a detox to get rid of the obstacles and energy sucks that are getting in the way of your well-being. By cutting away the dead wood, you'll make space for new growth. Commit to letting go of what is holding you back so you can embrace your life with the vitality you need to take on your wildest dreams!
Month 3: Design; Embrace your awesome, purpose-driven life with fresh energy and a positive outlook!
In the last month, we'll set healthy new habits to support you and create a spark team of positive people who support, encourage and inspire you to achieve what you want in your life. You'll set well-crafted achievable goals for the next quarter - based on the vision you have for your life. With daily practices and long-term visioning you'll gain the momentum you need to spring into success.
We all know that too much "stuff" can fill up our lives and drain our energy. And it's not just stuff. Overwhelm - having too many tasks and commitments, and spending too much time with difficult people (and not enough with those who support and inspire us) also drains us.
In order to "Spring Clean" our lives, we need to understand where our lives are draining us. Then we need to understand specifically what and who is draining our energy - which can include tasks that we have been procrastinating over and hang over us. And then we can set ourselves up for success by getting clear on how we would like our lives to be, as well as letting go of things that drain us, and implement some new habits to support us!
This Spring Clean Your Life Toolkit wraps up with a neat summary sheet that identifies the top 3 goals to spring clean your life. You will be able to take this toolkit forward with you through life to get a fresh burst of energy and enjoy life more!
Section One - What areas of your life needs a good "spring cleaning"? We will look at 8 key areas of your life and your level of satisfaction in each area. This tool is a great way to begin getting clarity on areas to focus on. In this section we will also explore your frustrations, shoulds and desires to help you get clear on what you REALLY are looking for from life right now.
Section Two - Now that you have an idea of where in your life you may need to do some 'spring cleaning', we will turn our focus and help you get specific about what and who is draining you. We will also plan to take action on something you have been procrastinating over.
Section Three - After all this enlightening work, we are now ready to create a vision and set you up for success going forward. We will work on identifying balanced and meaningful short-term goals. You will look at how you want your life to be in 3 months' time across different key areas in your life. We will identify things that you are holding onto which clouds your mind and drains you of energy - preventing you from moving forwards.
Section Four - Wrap up. We now have all the tools you need to move forward. What better way to wrap up than to set 3 goals to move forward with! We will look at the three goals and make sure you identify what doesn't serve you, what new habits will help and the action steps needed for success.
The power of our mind is incredible. If we have an unhealthy mind, it affects everything in our lives. The good news is that we have the power to build a healthy mind. In this 4 week program you will learn how the mind works, tips and tools to re-create the workings of your mind and build new habits to create a healthy mind.
Section One - Learn all about why we think the way we do. Once we understand the "why" it makes it so much easier to change the way we think and our thoughts.
Section Two - Building a healthy mind requires us to change our thoughts. This section teaches you how perspective plays a major role in preventing us from changing our thoughts. And with just a few tips to learn how to be more open, you can easily start re-wiring your brain for a healthier mind.
Section Three - Because our brain's number one job is survival and keeping us safe (not to mention lazy) it prefers to stick with what it knows and views as the comfort zone. We need to wake it up and teach it that there are other options that are just as safe and more healthy for our over all well-being.
Section Four - Tie everything you have learned together through a simple thought model process that shows you how awareness of your thoughts and the resulting feelings provides you an opportunity to make a conscious choice and take back control of your life.
I've seen enormous growth in people who have committed to the steps in this programs. Don't waste any more time putting off your heart's desires. If you want clarity and guidance as you step into your wholeness, let's work together. If you're ready to transform the blahs into "A-has!" - let's talk!
Feeling a little lost or overwhelmed?
Need some help getting clarity in a specific area of your life?
Just need someone to listen impartially and help you look at your situation from a variety of perspectives?
Book a coaching session to give you that boost of motivation, that clarity as to what your next step should be. Sometimes all we need is just an opportunity to talk things out in an environment where we know there will be no judgment.
Coaching can help you get from where you are to where you want to be. No need to focus on the past when you can stay in the present and come up with realistic solutions to get you on the path to success and happiness..
All sessions can be done in person or online, whatever you are most comfortable with.
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