Are you contemplating a divorce at this point and perhaps haven't even mentioned it to your spouse yet? Are you fearful of the unknowns and paralyzed into inaction? Confused as to whether you truly do want a divorce, not happy and want clarity on how to get there?
This is a critical time to consult with a divorce coach. Take this time to determine whether a divorce is truly what you want. If you decide you want to stay in your marriage and make it healthy again, your coach will help you get onto the path of happiness with your spouse. If you decide that a divorce is what you need, your coach will walk you through the divorce process, educate you about preparing for each stage and what you should do to prepare yourself emotionally and financially.
You're currently involved in the divorce process and have either hired a lawyer or mediator. You need help to get clarity on issues relating to equitable distribution, what is best for your children and how to cope with a difficult spouse. You need help understanding where you are financially...can you afford to stay in the family home or is it even in your best interest.
Together we will define an action plan that will inspire you to keep moving forward to a future that you are excited about and happy to live. I will provide you with practical strategies and techniques to navigate your divorce with confidence and emotional control.
Wherever you are in your Divorce Journey I will show you what each stage will involve and ensure that you have an effective Divorce Support Team to help in any scenario. This is essential for ensuring that you feel supported and have expert advice whenever you need it.
Are you feeling lost, alone and no longer know who you are or what you want in life? Are you at a crossroads and don't know how to move forward? Do you find yourself dealing with unwanted emotions towards your ex? (jealousy of a new partner, agnger over how he/she parents your children, feeling like you have failed)
Are you living a life that you love? Do you want to wake up in the morning looking forward to the day ahead? Would you like to take action to revitalize your life?
All of this is possible and you don't have to do it alone! Your coach can guide you to uncovering the real you. Put you back in emotional control and help you cope with the emotional rollercoaster that seems to never end. We will find out what makes you tick and motivates you in a life as a single person again.
I've been there, done that, as they say. I separated from my ex-husband over 8 years ago and have experienced the emotional trauma, the roller coaster ride of the legal system, the stresses of single parenting and doing what is best for my children and figuring out how I can afford to go from a double income family to a single income family. I lost myself in the process and struggled through to find out who I truly am and what I wanted out of life after my world, as I knew it, disintegrated.
During the process, I always found myself wishing there was someone I could talk to who could relate to what I was experiencing. I was emotionally exhausted and tired of burdening friends and family with my problems. I had no experience with the legal system and I had no idea what the most efficient path was to avoid having to pay thousands of dollars in legal fees.
I am a Certified Life Coach who has many years' experience in the financial industry and I have survived exactly what you are experiencing right now. I commit to helping you manage the inevitable stresses of divorce to make the transition easier for you and everyone you love. I will coach you through every step of the way until you've emerged the NEW SINGLE YOU!
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