1. What happens when I come to float for the first time?
You will be greeted with a warm welcome in our cozy reception area. We will ask you to complete a waiver form and talk with you about what you are looking for from your first float.
We will give you a tour of the full facility so you are familiar with your surroundings.
We will take you into your Float Room and give you a personal tour of what is in the room and what process to follow to ensure you have the best float experience.
After we leave you to your own private room, you will undress, take a luke warm shower (located right in your float room) using the provided shampoo and body wash to remove all the oils and perfumes from your hair and body. Step into the cabin and begin your blissful float. You will be able to control whether you have the colored light therapy lights changing from color to color, have it stay on one color or lights off all together. You do not have to decide this in the beginning and stick with that decision for the entire float. You have total control over the lighting in your cabin. You can request music or meditation recordings to be on or off and at any time if you feel uncomfortable or have a question, you will have an intercom at your fingertips to reach out to reception.
2. Do you float naked?
Preferably, yes. Due to the high salt content, it is very hard on your swimsuit and soaps and chemicals from the suit material can affect the water. If you must wear a swimsuit, we ask that you bring one that you aren't concerned about being damaged. You are the only one in the room and it is totally private so no concerns over anyone seeing you. Relax, unwind, get naked!
3. Things to know before a float?
4. What do I need to bring with me?
We provide everything you need in order to have an enjoyable float:
Please bring with you:
5. How is the water kept clean?
We run the water through a filtration system, turning the water over 4 times between each float. Using a combination of minerals, UV, sanitizers and filters ensures that the water is of the highest standard for each floater. We follow health department guidelines meant for pools and hot tubs to keep the float cabin clean. The high concentration of salt keeps the solution cleaner than a pool or spa would ever be with the least amount of chemical possible.
6. Can I float if I'm pregnant?
YES DEFINITELY! Floating relieves all of the weight of your baby off of your body. It is recommended to talk with your doctor prior to your first float. Floating and pregnancy
7. Can kids float?
Yes, however, kids under 18 must have parental permission and kids under 16 must have a parent with the
1. Are there any side effects or dangers from Halotherapy?
Salt therapy side effects are rare and are typically avoidable, but depending on your sensitivities to salt, you may experience some discomfort. Some reported side effects include headaches, minor tightness in the chest, scratchy throat and slight eye irritation. Typically, these can be avoided by ensuring the environment is controlled by managing the time spent and levels of salt in the atmosphere.
Our salt cabin uses a halogenerator that controls the amount of pharmaceutical grade salt disbursed in the air and you can get maximum benefit in as little time as 20 minutes.
2. How long is a typical session?
You can receive maximum benefits in 20 minutes.
3. What do I wear?
You do not need to bring anything with you other than your desire for natural healing, easy breathing and healthy skin. You want to wear comfortable clothing (many wear street clothes). The salt air will not harm your clothing, nor leave a noticeable residue. If you have a skin condition you wish to treat, we recommend you wear shorts and t-shirt, to expose as much of the affected area as possible. Clients are asked to
not wear perfume, as many are sensitive to fragrances.
4. I have high blood pressure and I have to watch my salt intake. Won't this increase my blood pressure?
No. The inhaled amount of NaCL is between 5-9 mg. The recommended daily intake is around 1500 mg when you are ingesting it. This will not affect your blood pressure in a negative way.
5. How sterile is the room?
Salt is anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory and absorbs bacteria. The microclimate of a salt cabin makes it almost impossible to catch an infection or virus. A stable hypoallergenic environment is maintained and fresh air is consistently ventilated. If somehow bacteria entered the room during a session and was not eliminated by the salt being disbursed in the room, it would be removed during the ventilation time, which follows each Salt Therapy session.
6. What types of results can individuals expect?
Individuals who have asthma, allergies and other bronchial issues have seen amazing results in a relatively short period of time. Respiratory issues and lung function vastly improve and breathing becomes easier. This facilitates the normalization of other bodily systems and improves immune function. Sick days from work or school will decrease. In cases of asthma and croup, the inflammation causing spasms of the bronchus (windpipe) will cease and the passage of air through the bronchial tubes will normalize, leading to the end of attacks. Those who suffer with skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema or acne also see incredible improvements in the health of their skin.
7. Is it safe for kids?
Yes, kids benefit greatly. Halotherapy is not only safe, but completely natural and is widely recognized as a medical treatment throughout Eastern Europe. HT strengthens and protects immuno-biological qualities of children's respiratory system naturally, without side effects.
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