Curious how hypnosis can help you? Click below to get even more information about how I can help solve your anxiety and overwhelm through hypnosis.
Hypnosis is a deep state of relaxation during which suggestions are made to create beneficial changes in ideas or behavior.
During a Hypnosis session we focus on quieting the conscious mind (our analytical and logical mind) so that we can go into the subconscious mind to plant seeds of change. Think of our conscious mind as the critical factor or gate keeper that feeds our subconscious mind with what it has determined to be true/false, good/bad or right/wrong. The subconscious mind does not have the ability to determine if what it is receiving is true/false, good/bad or right/wrong. It accepts everything it is given and sets out to prove it as presented.
An example of this would be our conscious mind choosing to believe that "I am not worthy" and passing that into the subconscious mind. Our subconscious mind then accepts that as true and sets out to bring forward situations to support that belief. The more the conscious mind feeds that thought to the subconscious, the stronger that belief becomes in the subconscious mind.
When we quiet the conscious mind (it is always listening and will step up if a suggestion is presented that is not in alignment of your highest good) it allows us to bypass the critical factor and work on a quicker and deeper level of change. We have to say (and believe) an affirmation a minimum of 300 times before it is accepted by the conscious mind and allowed into the subconscious mind so hypnosis is capable of having a much quicker, more effective outcome
The subconscious mind controls the involuntary functions of the body, including habits and things that we do ‘automatically’ - it is fueled by our emotions and imagination and directs the energy from within. The subconscious mind also contains memories of every single thing that has occurred to us.
In hypnosis the subconscious mind is very receptive to new ideas and open to suggestions which encourage more sensible, balanced or helpful attitudes to reality.
In the clinical setting, symptoms associated with stress or anxiety can be helped; in such cases it is not a substitute for medical treatment, but a very useful supplement to it. Mind and body affect each other and the person as a whole in benefited by this holistic approach.
For some conditions, regression techniques can be used. This may mean re-examining (without necessarily re-experiencing) events which influenced us at an earlier time in life. By bringing these memories to the surface the subconscious mind is able to discharge the negative effects and can be ‘reprogrammed’ for success.
The number of sessions required usually varies from person to person, however most people feel some benefit from hypnotherapy immediately.
Mind over matter - effective change
Some of the problems that Hypnotherapy can help with are:
Abuse Related problems
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD)
Confidence—lack of
Drug Dependency
Examination Nerves
Fears and Phobias
Habits and Compulsions
Hair Pulling (Trichotillomania)
Memory Recall
Migraines and Headaches
Nail biting
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Pain Control
Panic Attacks
Public Speaking
Weight Problems
Sports Performance
Hypnosis is often used in sport psychology to bring the best out of athletes. People who expect to excel usually do. Mentally rehearsing a successful game can fire neurons in the brain in exactly the same patterns they would follow when actually performing the activity. It is believed that these movements, along with contractions in the muscles, are responsible for improved neuromuscular co-ordination.
Hypnosis is the ideal state for enhancing creativity and imaginative pursuits. Many artists, writers, musicians and inventors have produced their best work during trance states when ideas flow more easily and abundantly.
Self Hypnosis
Self hypnosis is taught in groups or individually. During therapy a post-hypnotic suggestion may be given to achieve the desired state, giving you the confidence you need to free yourself from self-limiting beliefs.
Self Healing
In group experiments, tests have shown that patients treated with hypnotherapy have enhanced anatomical and fracture healing. Before anesthetic was discovered some 75% of patients operated upon would die during or shortly after the operation, compared to 5% of those treated with hypnosis.
Q. Can anyone be hypnotized?
A. Most people can, providing they are able to understand the things they have to do in order to achieve this state and are open to the idea.
Q. Can I be made to say or do anything against my will whilst I am in hypnosis?
A. No. Clinical hypnosis is not the same as stage hypnosis, you are free to accept or reject any suggestions made.
Q. Will I be aware of what is happening or being said whilst I am in the hypnosis state?
A. Yes. You will feel deeply relaxed but will never lose contact with the Hypnotherapist’s voice. You will remember as much of the session as you would during a normal conversation.
Q. What happens if I don’t come out of trance or something happens to the Hypnotherapist before I am brought out?
A. You would simply come out of the trance naturally as the rapport would be lost with the Hypnotherapist. No-one has every remained in trance indefinitely.
Q. Will I be able to drive afterwards?
A. Yes. You will still be feeling relaxed, however your actions and reactions will be functioning super efficiently.
Q. When I am in hypnosis am I unconscious?
A. No, you are in a state half-way between sleep and wake. Think of that feeling when you are just waking up or falling asleep. This is the Alpha/Theta brainwave and the sweet spot for hypnosis.
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